Avalara Acquires Track1099 to Help Businesses Manage IRS Form Filing Requirements
October 1, 2021
Avalara (NYSE: AVLR), a leading provider of tax compliance automation software for businesses of all sizes, today announced it has acquired Track1099, a company that provides online software and services for cost-effectively managing, e-filing, and e-delivering IRS forms, including 1099s, W-2s, W-9s, and more.

Five Stars from CPA Practice Advisor
December 21, 2020, by Mary Girsch-Bock CA
Track1099 is a good fit for businesses of any size as well as accounting firms that need to process multiple form types for myriad clients.

IRS selects CEO of Track1099 for Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee
September 11, 2020
Established in 1998, the ETAAC is a public forum for the discussion of issues in electronic tax administration. Its aim is to prevent identity theft and refund fraud in support of paperless filing of tax and information returns. ETAAC members work closely with the Security Summit, a joint effort of the IRS, state tax administrators and the nation's tax industry to fight identity theft and refund fraud. Lindsey West, Emerald Hills, Calif. – West is a former aerospace and Navy F/A-18 flight test engineer who founded Track1099.com 10 years ago. She works on the development of 1099-MISC e-filing options for the public. West received her doctorate in Aeronautics and Astronautics from Stanford University.

Meet the 1099-NEC
July 9, 2020 by Lindsey West, CEO, Track1099
Despite COVID-19, the Internal Revenue Service is continuing forward with moving 1099-MISC Box 7, “Non-Employee Compensation” to a new form, the 1099-NEC. This is effective starting this tax year, 2020, meaning that in January 2021, organizations will file this new form.

Track1099 receives another 5-Star Rating from CPA Practice Advisor
December 16, 2019, by Mary Girsch-Bock CA
Track 1099 is a good e-filing solution for businesses and accounting professionals alike, with pricing affordable for both.

Track1099 Announces Online IRS 1094-B and 1095-B Solution for Affordable Care Act Electronic Filing
November 27, 2018, Stanford, CA
Track1099 adds support for easy e-filing and e-delivery of the Obamacare 1094-B and 1095-B forms.

New Rules for Submission of 1099 Forms
September 4, 2018 by Lindsey West, CEO, Track1099
Starting in January 2019, the IRS will institute new rules regarding how to submit 1099-MISC with Box 7 and those without Box 7 after the due date of January 31, 2019.

5 Security Questions for Your Online IRS Compliance Provider
August 27, 2018 by S. Lindsey West, Track1099
Accountants are rightly more concerned than ever about the security of their clients' data in the cloud. Below are five specific questions and the ideal answers that will help you assess the security of your online providers.

Companies Need To Be Aware Of Deadlines For Getting Owner-Operators Their 1099-MISC
August 16, 2018 by Go By Truck News
At the end of the year, when company employees’ are receiving W-2 tax forms, an owner-operator will get a 1099-MISC form from each company they drove for. If you are a company utilizing multiple independent contractors, you will be sending each of them a 1099-MISC.

CPA Practice Advisor again awards Track1099 5-star rating
April 17, 2018 by Mary Girsch-Bock
Track 1099 is an innovative online W-2 and 1099 processing program that provides complete form processing and filing. Track 1099 is a good solution for businesses and accounting firms of all sizes, and easily processes any number of year-end compliance forms.

What to Know About IRS e-Signature Rules
Nov. 7, 2017 by S. Lindsey West, Track1099
TThe IRS does not yet have a consistent set of rules for what constitutes a valid e-signature and as a consequence, each form has its own requirements and it is incumbent upon the compliance professional to remain current on the ever-changing rules.

A Sampler of Accountex 2017 Keynotes & Sessions
Aug. 21, 2017 by Blake Oliver
The App Ecosystem Is the Future of Small Business Accounting. In his session “Zen and the Art of Application Integration,” Ryan Watson of Upsourced Accounting demonstrated a real life example of the Xero “app ecosystem” in practice. Ryan uses six applications integrated with Xero to provide a superior customer experience, including Track1099.

CPA Practice Advisor awards Track1099 5-star rating
April 25, 2017 by Mary Girsch-Bock
Track1099 is a terrific solution for business owners and accounting firms alike. With special tools to ease firm setup, Track1099 is scalable enough to work for the one-person business and the CPA handling hundreds of clients. Pricing is volume based, with the first four forms $3.99 each, the next 97 are $1.99 each, with pricing levels dropping as form numbers goes up.

A Winning Combination for Preparing 1099s
March 22, 2017 by Carrie Kahn
Even though we are done with 1099s for this year, now is a perfect time to set yourself up for success for the future. Here, I will share the winning combination I used to prepare 1099s.

Track1099 Meets New IRS E-file Due Date of Jan. 31, 2017, Suggests Options
December 1, 2016, Stanford, CA
The IRS has moved their IRS e-file due date for 1099-MISC with Box 7 and W-2 from March 31 to January 31. See our suggested strategies to ensure you're in compliance with the new deadline.

Track1099 Announces Online IRS 1094-C and 1095-C Solution for Affordable Care Act Electronic Filing
December 15, 2015, Stanford, CA
Track1099 brings easy e-filing and e-delivery to new Obamacare compliance regulations.

Track1099 Expands Online W-9 Service to Include W-4 and W-8BEN
October 15, 2015, Stanford, CA
Track1099 introduces an expanded TrackW9, an online W-9, W-4 and W-8BEN service that does away with the annual headache of paper IRS forms.

Track1099 Updates Team Collaboration Tools for 1099-MISC Season
October 22, 2015, Stanford, CA
Accounting teams praise Track1099’s TeamTrack as essential for client management.

Track1099 Releases Easy, Online W-2 Forms with E-file and E-delivery
October 30, 2014, Stanford, CA
Introducing TrackW2, enabling inexpensive and paper-free W-2 management for tax professionals, businesses, and home employers.

Introducing Online IRS W-9 Forms for Easy Vendor Management
September 11, 2014 · Stanford, CA
From the popular e-filer of 1099-MISC, Track1099 introduces TrackW9, the first online W-9 management tool designed for tax professional teams.

Track1099 Introduces Online IRS Information Forms 1098, 3921 and 1099-C
July 22, 2014 · Redwood City, CA
Building on triple digit growth, Track1099 announces more online forms to make IRS compliance easy, inexpensive and paper-free.

Track1099 Integrates with Zoho Books. Zoho Books: Refreshed and Newly Designed Small Business Online Accounting Software
February 5, 2014 · Pleasanton, CA
Zoho recently announced its refreshed Zoho Books accounting software and improvements.

Track1099 Partner Right Networks Highlights Integration with Hosted QuickBooks
January 12, 2014 · Hudson, NH
Case Study: SmartBooks Simplifies the Tax Filing Process with Track1099.

Track1099 Introduces 1099-INT/DIV/K, TIN Match, and W-9 iOS App
January 7, 2014 · Redwood City, CA
Track1099, the pioneer in online IRS compliance, has announced four new products to complement its highly popular, paper-free, 1099-MISC e-file and e-delivery service. Entering their fourth tax season, Track1099 adds online 1099-INT, 1099-DIV and 1099-K forms and its first mobile iOS app, IRS Forms, for paper-free W-9 and W-4 management.

Track1099 and Xero Partner to Make IRS 1099-MISC Compliance Easy and Cost Effective
December 19, 2013 · San Francisco, CA
Xero announced today the company has certified Track1099 with their paper-free, online 1099-MISC e-filing service as their integrated Xero Add-on partner for this upcoming tax season.

Track1099 and BizFilings Create Partnership to Simplify IRS and Corporate Compliance Solutions for Businesses
October 30, 2013 · Redwood City, CA
Track1099, the leader in online, integrated IRS 1099-MISC compliance and BizFilings.com, the global leader in small business corporate compliance today announced a strategic partnership aimed at increasing the ease of compliance for both tax professionals and small business owners.

Tax Time: 1099s for Contractor Wages Made Easy
January 4, 2013
Entrepreneur.com, by J. Blum and A. Dalenberg. "....However, smaller shops can opt for a more straightforward form service such as Redwood City, Calif.-based Track1099. Prices run from $3.99 each for the first four forms and $1.99 each for the next 96."

Prepare Your Form 1099 MISC Online and Paperless
January 4, 2013
sleeter.com, by Doug Sleeter. "...This is our third year of using Track1099, and each year it reconfirms to us the huge value over any other method we’ve seen. No more paper, not more mailing costs, and all of our vendors can simply log in to a free portal and retrieve their own form."

Fire Your Accountant: Five Lessons In Outsourcing As A Startup
March 14, 2012
Forbes.com, by J.J. Colao. "...We won’t bore you with the details, but last year’s three-week boondoggle and unexpected $1,376.56 punch in the mouth became a two hour stress-free task costing $87 at Track1099.com. And we have a PDF output of everything already stored away for next year as opposed to a giant snail mail package that we won’t be able to find next year."

Track1099.com to Deliver Completely Electronic IRS Solution for 1099-MISC Forms
December 31, 2010 · Mountain View, CA
Legal Data Research LLC, a company delivering software-as-a-service products that streamline government data processes, today launched its latest web property, Track1099.com, a paper-free, fully-automated service for 1099-MISC IRS e-file and recipient e-delivery.